Exclusive Video: Hollie Talks About What Happens Between Overseas Trips
The content of Hollie McKay’s work focuses on vignettes about people and situations that Hollie encounters on her journeys. This video is about what happens when she returns to the US. What is the process of unpacking the notes, recordings, and photographs collected on these whirlwind journeys that turns them into long form features that show the human side of conflict?
Once the stories from the previous journey are done, then comes preparing for the next foray into the world. Hollie talks about the process of setting up and packing a journey full of agenda. Hollie also shares how she makes the time for other projects like authoring books when she is not overseas.
This video also takes the time to focus on Hollie herself. How she looks at her journey, now thousands of reports in the records, has gone from being a cub reporter covering entertainment and breaking news to a journalist preparing and publishing some of the deeply researched feature pieces in the industry.